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Turn key or a fixxer-upper? Times are changing rapidly...

Turn key or a fixxer-upper? Times are changing rapidly...

| Marieke | Practical info

Do you prefer a real Italian rustico that still needs to be completely renovated or is it wiser to opt for a ready-made house? As a consultant I have to keep up with current developments in the Italian real estate market. And they can very quickly go in a completely different direction...

For example, I wrote just a year ago that the time was right to buy a fixer-upper. After all, all kinds of bonus schemes have been created by the Italian government to encourage owners to register their houses in the cadastral register, to make them more earthquake-resistant and more energy-efficient. The fact that the construction sector would also receive a huge boost in these times of crisis was of course also a bonus.

The Superbonus is a great success despite the complicated regulations that also tend to change. With the right guidance from geometra, an engineer and an accountant, a lot can be achieved. This is noticeable, also in Pergola a considerable number of houses are under construction.

The success of the bonus schemes is reflected in the scarce availability of construction companies, of engineers and geometras who are up to their necks and no longer accepting assignments. Scaffolding material is no longer available, windows and doors have a delivery time of months. The success also translates into the impossibility of processing a mortgage application. The success also translates into an increase in sales, which means that the brokers are not dissatisfied either.

The demand for renovations is greater than what the construction companies can handle. Not only a problem of insufficient manpower, but also a very fundamental problem of lack of raw materials. This is currently a global problem affecting many different sectors. I will not elaborate on the possible causes. After all, this is a blog about the Italian real estate market and the pros and cons of a restoration.

The lack of raw materials is driving the prices of building materials up enormously, the contractors have an abundance of work and so it is difficult to get your renovation project off the ground in time before the Italian government decides that it is enough with all that wonderful bonuses. Where I was still fully advertising buying a fixer-upper a year ago, I am now changing my mind. A ready-made house or one in hull condition is currently a purchase that gives more peace of mind. But I do recommend buying in time, because Italian house prices are showing a clear upward trend.

external renovation

internal renovations

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