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Pergola, the city with only one traffic light

Pergola, the city with only one traffic light

| Marieke | Italian Experiences

Pergola, the city with only one traffic light
A provincial town in the province of Pesaro-Urbino of just over 6000 souls… what's special about that?

Well, actually nothing at all and yet everything at the same time. Apart from the famous Bronzi Dorati museum and the internationally renowned animation film festival Animavì, Pergola has remained very much itself. Of course we have many monuments, twelve (!) Beautiful churches, a theater, a main street and a monument to the fallen. It's at the only traffic light that Pergola knows.

And that says something about the scale on which life takes place here. Everything is there… schools, hospital, tennis court, gym, yoga, swimming pool, a choir, a concert band and even a health food store. Everything is there to make life complete, but everything is manageable. A prerequisite for people to feel safe, secure and at home. Yes, tourists are there too, especially in July and August. But never in overwhelming numbers. Here you will not easily encounter Tuscan conditions with overcrowded parking spaces for a fee and souvenir shops on every corner of the street. Pergola is above all still very authentic. Other Dutch people also live there, they fell for the charm of such a manageable existence.

Usually outside the town, in such a beautiful stone country house. But recently we also sold an Jugendstil Palazzo to lovely people from Limburg who are going to realize their city palace Palazzo Regina here. Here life just goes on, very occasionally new initiatives from the big outside world seep through in our town. But otherwise, a sense of tranquility and tradition prevails. Traditions such as the truffle festivals in October / November, the annual festival on the occasion of the local wine of wild cherries, the so-called Visciolata or Visner.

All in all... a place where life is very good, and most important. my place ... for almost fifteen years

Pergola gallery

Bronzi dorati

Palazzo regina

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