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Without dreams we will get nowhere

Without dreams we will get nowhere

| Marieke | Italian Experiences

In other words ... a tribute to the dreamers, to the persistent resilience of those who want to realize their dream and are still in the middle of the process. But also a tribute to those who have realized their dream in the meantime. Because reality can be unruly, especially in these uncertain times when it mainly comes down to persistence and staying positive..

But which dreamers am I talking about exactly? The future owners of a second home in Italy are of course also dreamers and the step to proceed to purchase takes courage. Especially if a restoration is also needed. These dreamers also run into Italian building regulations and bureaucracy.
However, there is also a category of "very brave dreamers". People, often families with young children, who would like to build a whole new life in Italy. Enthusiastic entrepreneurs who want to live and work in Italy. The dream is almost always to start a tourist activity. And almost always the ideas are already very crystallized and usually they have already a clear vision of exactly what they want. But often they do not have clear ideas of what can and is actually allowed. And how could they?   Every object has its own specific possibilities and impossibilities. As soon as a suitable object has been found, a lengthy process begins in which an attempt is made to stay as close as possible to the realization of their dreams. Just as often the ideas adapt step by step to the possibilities of the specific real estate. And that is how it should be. After all, dreams have to become reality.
What do these brave dreamers have in common? An enormous resilience and positive attitude. A great dose of perseverance and they keep dreaming. Even if things don't work out exactly as they had plannend. Finally, they have in common that they have had good guidance throughout the entire process. Without expert guidance, dreams can easily turn into a nightmare.

Brave dreamers

Cerrano Tower - Abruzzo

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